Originally Posted by Pearl Trade
I find that hard to believe. Something about police tells me "they go big or go home," meaning if they pull the gun out of the holster, they will point it at you and make it known they mean business. In all of the video I've seen of traffic stops, I've never seen a cop unholster his gun and hide it behind his leg.
I disagree with your all or nothing thought process here. Not how I was trained. Every situation is different. Traffic stops and domestic disturbances were my second least favorites parts of the job. With a TS you usually never know what you're going to get and almost, almost always you're basically alone. Better to be prepared then be sorry.
For the record the least favorite part of the job was "family notifications." Showing up at a strangers door at 0300 and informing them a family member is dead sucks ass. Sucks even more ass when you know the family. And I worked in a very rural area, everyone knew everyone.
Originally Posted by Pearl Trade
Completely agree with you here. To think having a badge means you can conduct affairs behind a wall secrecy is completely absurd to me. Police and all LEO work best in a community when there are little or no secrets, IMO. Cruisers have dash cams for this very reason. This is what I did, this is what I said etc... I can honestly say I know more LEO's who've been spared endless horseshit investigations due to having a dash cam then civilians having their claims backed up. "Really she says I raped her? Well lets just go to the tape boss."