Update: Diamondback Tactical / Battlelab (whatever they're called) pouches and armor carriers are quickly becoming "crap gear" in my opinion. What the hell, American R&D? I've already had the hard point stitching come out on several the pouches, their MOLLE lock bars were designed by retards, and their extraneous Velcro closures are mucho annoying. I haven't even been using this kit for a month straight and it's already failing on me. It has only seen hard use for maybe a week. By the end of this trip its going to be held together by 550 cord / duct tape. If you were thinking about purchasing the Predator vest or any of their pouches as seen on their website you'd be better served by clunky USGI Specialty Defense MOLLE II stuff.
I'm really disappointed, America. Hell, the made-in-Vietnam-by-dying-slave-children MOLLE pouches Blackhawk makes are more durable.
The whole thing makes me miss the IBA. Talk about things I thought I'd never say. You certainly wouldn't wanna jump or ruck the Predator.
Here's a picture of my schlocky, floppy, cumbersome albatross as it is today.
From right to left (as worn):
- Zippered pouch containing "Time to Work" blowout kit supplies: two compressed gauze, one packing gauze, emergency bandage
- Pouch with multi-tool and folding knife
- Velcro pouch with tourniquet and emergency bandage as my immediate "Oh shit, that's me that's bleeding!" blowout kit
- three double AR mag pouches (6 GI mags *gag*)
- (inside pouch) Glock 19 in holster with snap thumb break
- (inside pouch) single AR mag pouch
- double Glock mag pouch
- Surefire 6P flashlight in pouch (dummy-corded)
- (shoulder) radio pouch moved up high to use with/without hand mic (hand mics are a "creature comfort" according to my employer)
- junk pouch for gloves, snap links, head lamp, cigarette lighter, Clif bar, puppies, sunshine
Big tip of the hat to our boy Kirstang for mailing me that kangaroo pouch holster and mag pouch. It has made my job 100% easier.