We have big roller trash barrels that we use in my town. We roll them out to the street on trash day. Our garbage truck has a giant robotic claw that picks up the cans and dumps them into the truck. Today was trash day. So my garbage and recycling cans were on the street, right in front of my wasp-claimed mailbox.
I went to retrieve the mail today. The wasps were back. Barefoot and lacking even the most basic common sense, I soldiered on. My plan was to swing my hat vigorously back and forth over the mailbox, while I tried to quickly open the box, snatch out the mail (heh, I said "snatch"), then move quickly to safety. My clever scheme was derailed on the first swoosh of the hat.
I swung low and caught my hat on the mailbox. My hand continued in an aggressive, hat-free arc, while my hat flopped unceremoniously right in front of the opening to the nest. YES! I discovered the hole in the ground with increasingly angry wasps flying out of it. The hole was at the base of my rosemary bush that my hat was hanging in.
I couldn't leave my hat there to fend for itself, so I leaned waaaaaay over, grabbed my hat, and just as wasps started to bounce of my head, I spun a quick 180 and dashed directly into the garbage can two feet away.
The can was empty and on wheels, so it offered only token resistance to what turned into a beautiful open field tackle, right out in the middle of the street.
Ass, gas or grass. Nobody rides for free.