Originally Posted by chelle21689
I confronted him why he texted these people so much. He said that texts are short and they accumulate and that they weren't like intimate deep conversations. It just bothers me because they were for several hours like every minute.
I've held inane conversations with the guys for hours on end. I once sent 700 messages in an hour. This is one of those things people do with friends when they're bored. If you saw it in a format like an instant messenger log, you'd be bored to tears. Texting is the new IM.
Originally Posted by chelle21689
Like I said, I have a really hard time to not snoop and I even told him to change the password because I know that I would snoop. Honestly, I know everyone thinks its wrong but I don't see anything wrong if he looks into my account because I have nothing to hide.
No. Being a couple means you need to trust each other. If you define cheating as kissing or anything more, then you stay to those limits (and that's the most strict I go because who the fuck hasn't danced with friends while out and drunk?) If you're an adult and talking with friends is a problem, you're mentally stuck in middle school and need to get over your insecurity.
Originally Posted by chelle21689
it's really hard for me to see why it's wrong and I'm trying to see.
Again, not being able to trust someone because they're talking to people of the opposite sex is middle school mentality at best. It doesn't matter whether you give him your passwords and whether or not he checks up on you, if you can't accept his word at face value when he says he's just talking with friends, then you shouldn't be in a relationship with him.