Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
Industry regulation isn't the same thing as traffic engineering. Let's keep on topic. If a government either removes or simplifies rules/regulations/restrictions within an industry, it's called deregulation.
it was an example, since it is beyond the scope of this thread to go into the details of any specific industry there is a need to use simplified examples.
By the way trucking is an industry, and traffic regulation plays a material role. In fact there is a relatively new economic indicator based on diesel fuel purchases.
The Ceridian-UCLA Pulse of Commerce Index (PCI) is based on real-time fuel consumption data for over the road trucking. By tracking the volume and location of diesel fuel being purchased, the index closely monitors the over the road movement of raw materials, goods-in-process and finished goods to U.S. factories, retailers and consumers.
Backgrounder: Ceridian-UCLA Pulse of Commerce Index