Originally Posted by Tully Mars
Well lets follow the constitution then and get rid of the Air Force. There's no mention of it so it must not be allowed either. Hell the money saved on jet fuel alone will help greatly in balancing the budget.
Just move the Air Force back to a branch of the Army like it was in the first place. That solves that problem as well as the ridiculousness of eliminating an essential element of the military. I presume you wouldn't appreciate being a ground soldier with no air protection.
Originally Posted by Tully Mars
How can the government do anything without tax payer funds? I mean I know the conservative answer of late is borrow and spend but anyone with a visa card should be able to see that not going to work long term.
In which case we don't have a public option.
Obama has been setting new records in borrowing and spending in case you haven't noticed. At least until we take away his credit card in a month.