here we are again, at the point where the strict constructionists depart from the reality of the legal system that the constitution put into motion. there is precedent. like it or not. you cannot wish it away. the american common law system, which is perhaps the smartest accomplishment of the founders, is one of the few aspects of the american political system that actually works. little wonder that the ultra-right opposes it and wants to overturn the most basic operational logic of that system in the name of keeping it pure.
what's hilarious is that, as someone noted above, what the ultra-right wants to do functionally is make the constitutional system back into the articles of confederation.'t work.
but hey, history be damned, we're talking about arbitrarily interpreted Principles here.
a gramophone its corrugated trumpet silver handle
spinning dog. such faithfulness it hear
it make you sick.
-kamau brathwaite