I guess in day to day life I occasionally use some acronyms, mainly code words with friends for things that might offend the general public or shortening common phrases, but it's all stuff anyone with a passing familiarity with the subject at hand would understand. Talking IT stuff with IT people involves acronyms that are probably more recognizable than the full names. Regarding working out, DOMS is a lot shorter than Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (which I am feeling an unbelievable amount of today,) DC sounds a lot better than Dogcrapp (the alias of the guy who came up with a bunch of specific powerlifting techniques and one of the reasons I'm suffering from DOMS,) and stuff like that.
Originally Posted by Lasereth
I love you
I have promised myself that if I'm ever managing people or running a business, I will keep a stack of cash on me and give any employee who catches me using idiotic management speak $5 on the spot. Common use acronyms that the general public would use don't count.