I work as an engineer in Aerospace, so there are a LOT of acronyms. Just so you know, I'm doing this list from memory, this isn't a copy-paste cheat sheet or anything.
First there are various forms/reports I deal with/fill out regularly:
FAI: First Article Inspection
IRR: Inspection Rejection Report
SDR: Supplier Deviation Request
ECR: Engineering Change Request
ECO: Engineering Change Order
NTO: No Technical Objection
LOS: Letter of Similarity
ETR: Engineering Test Report
Then some larger documents, both internal and that we push out to customers/vendors:
WO: Work Order
WI: Work Instruction
SO: Sales Order
PO: Purchase Order
SPOC: Supplimental Purchase Order Conditions
CMM: Customer Maintenance Manual
Then there are some drafting terms:
CAD: Computer Aided Drafting
PDM: Product Data Management
GD&T: Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing
BOM: Bill of Materials
And some warehousing terms:
SKU: Shopkeeping Unit
FIFO: First in, first out
LOL: Last of lot
MRP: Material Requirement Planning
A sprinkling of project management terms:
PDR: Preliminary Design Review
CDR: Critical Design Review
ROI: Return on Investment
RAIL: Rolling Action Item List
EPSSR: Engineering Project Status Summary Report
A couple of committees
MRB: Material Review Board
CCB: Change Control Board
CIC: Continuous Improvement Council
Some organizations we interface with:
FAA: Federal Aviation Administration
EASA: European Aviation Safety Agency
SAE: Society of Automotive Engineers
ANSI: American National Standards Institute
CAA: Civil Aviation Authority
NTSB: National Transportation Safety Board
ISO: International Standards Organization
Some Certification Related terms:
TSO: Technical Standards Order
STC: Supplimental Type Certificate
FMVSS: Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards
Some "Lean"/Six Sigma terms that crop up daily:
DMAIC: Design Measure Analyze Iimprove Control
DMADV: Design Measure Analyze Design Verify
VSM: Value Stream Map
LSS: Lean Six Sigma
GR&R: Gage Repeatability and Reproducability
DOE: Design of Experiment
CP: Process Capability
CPK: Process Capability Coefficient
PPK: Process Performance Coeficient
Phew...that's about all I've got, since we're getting pretty close to COB (close of business) I think I'm going to say that's it.
But first, a few VERY unofficial acronyms we use privatly, in verbal conversation, between engineers.
We use the following to describe (in escalating order) how bad a problem is:
SNAFU: Situation normal, all fucked up
TARFU: Things are Really Fucked Up
FUBAR: Fucked up Beyond All Recognition
And also, how accurate our numbers/findings are (from least confident to most):
POOMA: Pulled Out Of My Ass
WAG: Wild-Ass Guess
SWAG: Scientific Wild-Ass Guess
Finally, we have been known to refer to our (quite Caucasian boss) as the HNIC.
twisted no more
Last edited by telekinetic; 09-29-2010 at 03:18 PM..