Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
Moreover, company management is well known to commit the same or similar transgressions. I guess the question is where is it more prevalent?
It's all about the balance of power. Neither company managers nor workers are any more normal than the average person...if one side or the other has too much power, that power *will* eventually get abused. If the company has all the power, you'll end up with crappy wages, unsafe working conditions, etc. If the unions have all the power, they'll be shortsighted and force the company into an untenable situation. For every 'horror story' about lazy and corrupt union members that people on the right love to tell themselves, there's a story on the left about the money-grubbing corporate bosses forcing workers to chose between unsafe working conditions and keeping their job. The role of government should be to, as nearly as possible, balance those interests, so we can have a vibrant, profitable business climate, while at the same time have safe and fair working conditions. The mix will never be perfect, and there will be imbalance and inefficiency, but, on the whole, we'll muddle through.