there are several types of problem with conservo-stuff here. the first is a profound ignorance of historical reality. it's kind of stunning. what you get instead is cherry-picked, abstracted, pre-chewed factoids--fake case studies taken from editorials in ibd and supplemented with rudimentary web searches. no conception of how data is put together to form an argument in anything remotely like a social science context. no conception of how argument leans on data. it's just dilettante fucking around.
if you take the nitwit absolute separation of state and "economic innovation"---it's kinda hard to imagine silicon valley or the internet without darpa...but in conservo-land that's ok state intervention because its related at a remove or two from boys in uniforms and killing people. there's hundreds of modalities of public/private interactions--countless seemingly---from all over the world that have worked and continue to work. it's only american rightwing ideologues, working on a basis of ignorance and presupposing even more of it, who try to pretend otherwise.
but maybe all this flies in econ 101 at bullshit u. you can't stay a freshman forever though.
conservatives hate unions because unions take power from capital. if you know anything about the history of the workers' movement, you know that's the point. taking power. redistributing wealth is a way of taking power. it happens that the post 1945 american model of union action is almost entirely a-political. A-POLITICAL, meaning not that unions have no operated like PACs as agents inside of conventional politics, but rather that is ALL they do. they are nothing like the political trade-unions in europe. and the explanation is easy: sector monopoly. and the reason for that is easy: fear of the left. anti-communism.
but that's still not enough for our boys on the right who are likely themselves wage slaves but who imagine that if they grovel long enough that Fortune will Smile and they'll go from aping the people who exploit to becoming one of them.
and they are, in the way that any servant is one with a master.
servants have traditionally always carried shit for their masters.
they're more militant than the masters about being a master than the masters are because they confuse being a master with possession of virtue.
nietzsche called this sort of person a slave.
a gramophone its corrugated trumpet silver handle
spinning dog. such faithfulness it hear
it make you sick.
-kamau brathwaite