Originally Posted by dc_dux
Ace, I still havent seen anything from you or dogzilla in the way of specifics in how you can cut spending AND cut taxes w/o having an adverse short-term economic impact.
As I've posted a couple times on this thread, I will go along with revoking the Bush tax cuts for the purpose of paying off the federal debt as long as Obama cuts his spending programs as well. If Obama wants to increase spending on his programs, then I'm for tax cuts with the intent to starve those programs. I happen to think that paying down a debt which takes such a huge portion of the federal revenue is important.
I also posted that federal budgets, including the military and entitlement programs, need to be reduced. And by the way, you still haven't pointed out the sentence in the Constitution that prohibits entitlement programs from being eliminated.
Originally Posted by dc_dux
Or how long term investment (govt spending) on R&D and supporting the development of emerging technologies is bad for the economy.
I'm not convinced that government's role is to fund R&D. I think there's enough bright people out there and enough venture capital that industry can fund itself. Look at companies like Microsoft, HP, Google, Apple, Yahoo, and any number of other large companies that self-funded and developed new industries.