Originally Posted by aceventura3
I, you, we, did not make Bill Gates, Microsoft. Bill Gates spent thousands of hours, when he was nothing creating something of value. The users, used his product because the net benefit of its use was greater than the net cost. bill Gates made something users could exploit for their own gain. We no more made Bill Gates than he made us.
Here is what is key: Bill Gates profited from his work. We profited from his work. Something was created. The theoretical "pie" got big because of Bill Gates. I don't begrudge him, for his share.
You missed the point. Bill Gates didn't sit in his basement, make something, release it into the world like a dove, and have a cheque signed "Bill Gates's Idea Factory" worth billions magically appear in his mailbox the next day.
The money had to come from somewhere. Wealth just doesn't appear out of nowhere; it's generated.
Tell me, how much wealth is created during a recession compared to an expansion? More? Less? About the same?