Originally Posted by dc_dux
Ace, I still havent seen anything from you or dogzilla in the way of specifics in how you can cut spending AND cut taxes w/o having an adverse short-term economic impact.
There was no need for the government to spend a dime to help a failing company like GM. The should not have done it and should never do it in the future. Private investors would have invested in the compnents of GM that had value. Skilled employees would have gone to work for other companies. Perhaps is Telsa Motors did not have to compete with a subsidized GM they could grow faster.
This is specific and would not have had any negative short-term economic impact to our nation. Heck, the UAW could have purchased GM - and the could run it anyway they want.
Or how long term investment (govt spending) on R&D and supporting the development of emerging technologies is bad for the economy.
Government is good at building roads, not picking emerging technologies. Given governments track record compared to the private sector, the private sector is much more efficient in allocating capital.