Originally Posted by dc_dux
Ace...all I see are more generalities and misconceptions from you and dogzilla.
I gave the example of government farm subsidies. Cut them. A carry over from the 1930's when the nature of farming was very different than today. A program that subsidies a selected few at the expense of not only tax payers but to the people in third world nations trying to develop their own farming economies.
I gave a specific example of the problems with the GM bailout. Over the course of many posts I have given many other specific examples as well. Here is another odd government expenditure, according to this cite we subsidize tobacco, $944 million between 1995-2009.
United States Tobacco Subsidies || EWG Farm Subsidy Database
If there are misconceptions, isn't that what this board is all about - people post their views/beliefs/information and others present opposing views/beliefs/information? Just saying I am wrong or that I want people to starve - is pointless, don't you agree?