the right has specialized in using massive increases in military spending to prop up economic sectors that are in the main friendly to republican interests. that's been how the right has rolled since the reagan period. military keynesians they were called. the right coupled that with meaningless hoodoo about markets presumably to keep the chumps enthralled and to legitimate cutting social programs, which the right has opposed since the halcyon days of herbert fucking hoover, which is the last time that conservative markety bromides ran into a structural crisis and found that they have nothing to offer. letting the right into power now would be a recipe for complete economic and political disaster.
i don't think the obama administration was anywhere near social-democratic enough. but the way the bush people fucked up was so massive and so thorough-going that it was difficult to buy space for much in the way of policy-development. from before they got into office, the obama administration was managing crisis that conservative ideology produced.
but that's not the conservative talking point. the conservative talking point assumes no memory whatsoever and pushes the whole of this pile of shit onto obama. i figure you have to have some cognitive impairment to buy that line. and when i see the economic "ideas" presented here, i think that seems a powerful explanation.
a gramophone its corrugated trumpet silver handle
spinning dog. such faithfulness it hear
it make you sick.
-kamau brathwaite