Originally Posted by roachboy
gee, ace, the people krugman is talking about sound like you.
you know, those people whose markety metaphysics would rather see people starve than support efforts to defibrillate the us economy.
That is real good. I want people to starve. Then you think a guy like Krugman or anyone else has the magic to defibrillate the US economy - if so, and assuming they don't want people to starve (virtually impossible to happen in the US, unless self imposed), why has it been done? what is Krugman's plan, the bailout wasn't big enough - that is convenient. An excuse he would forever be able to use. Oh, not big enough. If had been bigger last year. Oh, not big enough. If had been bigger six months ago...
whose delicate aesthetic sensibility prefers pretty markety pictures and stupid supply curves to the messiness of reality.
Innovation always comes before standard of living increases. Innovation comes from innovators, those willing to take a risk to make things better, even if their motivation is selfish - everyone wins by the efforts of these people.
I will ask you a personal question.
If you became a billionaire, how many people would benefit?
What is a fair ratio between wealth creators becoming filthy rich and the number of people they take along for the ride? What would your ratio be? 1 to 100, 1 to 1,000, 1 to 1,000,000. If you becoming a billionaire would make the world a better place, and you apply your ratio, don't you have a moral obligation to become a billionaire? Why haven't you?
I got it you would prefer people starve! How sad.