Well sex isn't always as simple as "hey you in the mood?".
If you're sitting on the couch watching tv why not take her hand and let her rest her head on your shoulder? It lets her know you want to be close without having to actually say anything or putting "I want to fuck" in giant awkward glowing letters on the wall. If she's into cuddling sneak a kiss, put your hand on her thigh (or whatever) and see if she reciprocates or at the very least doesn't push you away, if that works keep on going. Hey what do you know? You're making out, and it sounds like you have no problem taking it from there captain. Either she eventually tells you stop and you learn what the limits are or it goes all the way, either way it can hurt to try.
My point is it, no matter how you go about doing it, taking it slow and building up to it will help get her in the mood and make those awkward early sexual encounters a little easier for both you to deal with.
Then again no one technique always works and you never really know how its going to turn out, you just have to give it shot and hope for the best. If you are both comfortable enough with each other then why not be straight forward and just ask? If plan A and B doesn't work take Fugly's advice and fill her full of liquor, she may not put out but if you play your cards right a nipple or two should make an appearance by morning.
“My god I must have missed it...its hell down here!”