Originally Posted by remy1492
You guys write some good stuff in the posts and thats why I come here. I agree, its the past and we have to live for today, but thinking of her smell, her smile, her voice, for me elicits something stronger than the Force and is like a vodka shot for an alcoholic or the Ring for Smeagol.
ahhhh my precious, just to hold it for............one more time.
Yep, that pretty much sums it up. Most people you date, split, and keep walking down the street without too much of a second thought. But very rarely, (for some of us only once) you bump into one and it's like your control panel lights up. You want to twirl around singing "So This is Love".
Damn hard not to have second thoughts about someone it feels like you were born bonded to, but had to meet them to find out.