Originally Posted by roachboy
if by "worked" you mean that neo-liberal/washington consensus/supply side economic policies have resulted in a redistribution of wealth unprecedented that has made the united states resemble guatemala, that shining beacon of social and economic justice and stability, that capitalist shangri-la, then yes, they worked.
This article states that the number of millionaires in the US was up 8% in the past year. I've seen similar articles over the last few years. I'll take 'destruction' of the middle class by capitalism like this over a socialist agenda any day.
Survey: Number Of U.S. Millionaires Increases : NPR
The poverty rate may be up, but so is the number of millionaires. A survey of U.S. households with "investible assets" of $1 million or more was up 8 percent in a year. It's a big increase, and brings the population of millionaires back to where it was in 2006.
This too
The millionaires’ club in the U.S. grew by 16 percent in 2009, following a 27 percent decline in 2008.
Families with a net worth of at least $1 million, excluding primary residences, rose to 7.8 million in 2009, an increase from 6.7 million a year earlier, according to a survey of high- net-worth U.S. households conducted by Spectrem Group.