Originally Posted by Pearl Trade
Don't most advanced countries accept gay soldiers? The first that comes to mind is Israel, but I know many more countries have no problem with it.
This is a let down. With the newer generations and future generations being more tolerant and accepting than those in the past, hopefully they can get something passed soon to allow gays in the military.
I didn't hear it in the video, but does anyone know when and if the "don't ask, don't tell" policy will be looked at again?
I have a hard time thinking it would be a year 3/4 issue now, given that Republicans can use this in the November to bring out more voters. And forget about it if the Republicans/Tea Party wins some seats in two months.
This isn't personal, it's political. There is a time and place for these things, and the Democrats need to be more focused on proving they are taking the country in the right direction. And being able to get voters out because their ideas on where the country needs to go are better.
The only reason I even care about this issue is because I think the military has become too right-wing.