I've always looked at it that way too Cimarron and its what I was kind of getting into above about a "fair" tax for everybody. Everyone gives a certain fixed percentage of what they make to the govt and the rest is yours, no shifting the burdens, no tax cuts for one group and not another and no bickering about who has a responsibility to pay what. If you live here you have a responsibility, simple. But not having a huge grasp of economics I'm not sure what the pitfalls of that would be either, other then the rich don't pay a large enough chunk of their income and the poor pay to much. I don't know.
Of course what a fair percentage is is obviously up for debate...then we'll get into a national discussion about what the poor should really owe (anything?)...if the poor gets a pass why does the burden fall on the rich...if it doesn't fall on the rich why should the middle class have the shoulder it...and suddenly its back to politicians pushing tax cuts for their voting base and we start all over again from the beginning with business as usual.
“My god I must have missed it...its hell down here!”