Originally Posted by dksuddeth
let's see.......I'm certainly intelligent. I'm not religious in that I don't follow any specific faith, and I have no fear. So how does that label work again? 
Not so much again as still the first time around since you apparently didn't get it. Now this is what you quoted:
The critical error here is assuming the tea party is a political orientation. It is not. It is a religious faith composed of anti-intellectualism, religious extremism, and pure fear.
Aaaand here's our friend Mr. Context:
That is why no argument ever works, and facts are so unnecessary. Challenging an extremist faith with facts doesn't produce thought and change, it reaffirms their beliefs that they are persecuted, beset by enemies on all sides, and having their faith tested by a higher power.
So returning to your arguments one by one and in no particular order:
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
let's see.......I'm certainly intelligent. I'm not religious in that I don't follow any specific faith, and I have no fear. So how does that label work again? 
The "label" is that being a teabagger is in and of itself a personal subscription to a "religion" of anti-
intellectualism, hate, and fear. Whether or not you want to admit the fear is entirely up to you but the actions speak louder than words and joining up with these people is a really loud action.
Also note the italics. Anti-intellectualism isnt the same as anti-intelligence, there are plenty of technically-intelligent people (like my father the human calculator and most of the redneck branch of the family tree) that are also rabidly anti-intellectual and have a seething hatred for anyone who in the words of one of my aunts "knows too many things".
As for your first and last points...