Originally Posted by matthew330
This juvinile mentalitly about "the other" (hehe) has played out very successfully here at the TFP. I don't mean to burst your bubbles, but it's nothing more than the numbers. I do apologize I periodically can't help myself from periodically interupting.
I hope you periodically don't mind if I periodically call you on your interupting.
Originally Posted by matthew330
For me the most comical part of it is the political party that has made non-careers of countless young people getting arrested in political protest and calling it something like "civil disobedience", call a bunch of people that don't have smiles on their faces in protest to you "angry mobs".
For me, the most comical part is how overtly astroturf this whole thing really is. what corporations were funding the 2003 protests against the war? NONE. We had no media wing of the Democratic party organizing, funding, and running the protests. Why? Because we were honestly protesting against something we knew to be wrong. The Tea Party isn't protesting against something they know to be wrong, they're protesting against progress because that's what they're told to do. They're fighting for more deregulation, they're fighting to protect the tax cuts for the wealthy, they're fighting against anything that could possibly cause trouble for the richest people on Wall Street or the richest CEOs.
Originally Posted by matthew330
Also just as funny is your self described intellectualism. Quoting John locke, jesus christ, Danbary baptist, Thomas jefferson, johanne van sucked my dick last night, and George Santy something....all crazy smart people I suppose. Don't I feel stupid and anti-intellectual. I'll find some smart people to quote that have nothing to do with what I'm saying soon probably.
I was quoting Isaac Asimov because he put eloquently a point relevant to the topic at hand. And it stands. Where is the Tea Party on climate science? Or evolution? Or the age of the Earth? Or basic economics? Or history?
Originally Posted by matthew330
I also like your language. I find that after the George Bush presidency, the collective use of the word "snippy" in your moments of trying to rise above is particulary amusing.
Rise above what? George W. Bush was a horrible president. That has nothing to do with bitter partisanship or mindlessly following what Fox News has to say.
Originally Posted by matthew330
That "religious extremism" if uttered in the same sentence as "islam" is islamophobic, but here when talking about the tea party...well, duh. Western civilization defend yourselves!!
I'll be here when you want to step down off the cross.
Originally Posted by matthew330
I"m so pure fear and anti-intellectual. We all are. We're also depressed - its our ideology, we can't help it.