If you believe that a lone gunman killed JFK thats a view you are entitled to, but not one the majority of people hold.
It is the same around AIDS theories. People do not know the truth, and the true spread of the disease spreading into humans is mysterious... but most people suspect and believe that the US govt and biological weapons testing was involved.
We know the US Intelligence forces were active in the area at this time. We know that both the US and USSR were involved in trying to develop biological weapons. We know that these kind of things have happened in the past (the US govt has admitted to delibaretely infecting and withholding treatment to black civilians with syphilis, something that was still going on in the 1970's)
So to summarise for you
We know that the spread of the disease into humans is NOT explained by any conventional scientific explanation
We know that the US govt has done things like this before
We know in that the US govt actively was researching biological warfare at ths time
We see the smoking gun, and the majority of people draw the most likely conclusion from the available facts. Perhaps you find it more comforting to hide from the truth when it is frightening or disturbing... this is your choice.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas