I agree with being in condition yellow if there is a lot of crime. I always keep an eye out, its second nature.
I recommend The Gift of Fear
The spec-ops snake eater guys in my survival class recommended it, and sure enough, it was a good read.
My wife and I have CCW but usually only I carry a 9mm. I do notice cars that don't belong on my street, odd people and people casing houses, garages etc...
If they are dead set on robbing you or getting you, they probably will. If they are looking for a crime of opportunity, I make it pretty tough. If a car follows me for more than a few turns I note the license plate, if I get real paranoid I TXT it to my wife just in case anything happens. In any doubt, NEVER GO HOME if you think they are following you.
Just recently I was down my street (quiet neighborhood) and noticed a guy in slacks pass all the houses and go straight to my neighbors house. (they are on vacation for a few months and I watch their house). As I walk back towards my house I ask him if he needed anything or was selling anything since he seemed to be casing the place by looking in windows.
He nervously said no, and no he didnt need help then ignored me. I then asked if he was selling anything or with somebody. He then replied he was going around advertising energy savings programs, I asked if he had pamphlets, cards, anything. He didnt. I asked the phone # of his work, he didnt know it off the top of his head. I told him he can leave but I am calling the police just to check and he said ok. As I am talking to the police on the phone to come by, he walks off to another street. No car, no truck, no work vehicle. Odd. The cops who live by me also patrol by me so they were fast and picked the dude up a few streets down and he had the same story.
Who knows. Maybe he was legit, maybe my 6th sense was right and I shoulda blasted him like Greedo in the cantina. Either way it pays to be aware and not ignorantly blissful of your village.