Originally Posted by The_Dunedan
I don't think a pitbull physically cannot be strangled. Anything can be strangled with enough compression and/or leverage. I contend that the idea that anybody will be able to get into the body position required to do so effectively is ridiculous because, as was pointed out before, long before a human is able to "mount" the dog and correctly apply the hold you refer to, the dog will have begun removing important portions of their anatomy: probably beginning with the side of the human's face which is closest to their own teeth. The position required for a from-behind or figure-4 chokehold put the strangler's face well within the ability of a dog to grab, and shred. Walt having seen (and caused) this to happen, I take his word. Moreover, your suggested google search brings up nothing relevant to this discussion, just some information on various MMA competitors.
For the record: Walt is not just some internet schlub bragging about credentials that I cannot verify. He and I are flesh-and-blood shooting/drinking/camping buddies, and I have seen both the documentation and the dogs which prove his bona fides. -That- is why I take his word: because I have verified him to be an expert on the matter at hand, trained and employed by an extremely demanding agency (the US Army) to train and deploy dangerous animals both as law-enforcement tools and as weapons.
Dunedan, you're limiting your thoughts and conclusions to a one on one confrontation. I am not beating my chest or making assumptions on how I or anyone else would fare in a dark alley with a pitbull. That was your main point of contention with SF, I believe. My point was simply to demonstrate (with examples) how people with knowledge on chokes can and have strangled/thwarted pitbull attacks with proper technique in everyday situations; whether you choose to believe that or not is up to you.
If you're unfamiliar with MMA I'll just tell you that a 9 year
old boy weighing no more than 60 pounds soak and wet managed to sedate a large aggressive pitbull with a very simple choke he learned in 2 weeks. Jonathan Goulet (you got info on mma because he is an mma fighter) also choked a pitbull unconscious at a dog park. I'm throwing this technique out there because it's the most effective technique you can use on a dog. I have a cousin in Quebec that strangled a german sheppard with this technique as well. So the way I see it you can live your life in ignorance believing whatever your friends tell you and reside yourself to defeat in the event of a pitbull attack, or you can be open
to the benefits of learning new techniques that could potentially save your life. Either way it's no skin off my face.