Originally Posted by aceventura3
Rush shapes public opinion??? Let's think about that for a moment. If Rush even could shape Republican Party opinion, how did McCain end up being the Republican candidate for President? How did Obama win? How did health care pass? And a million other things Rush in his bombastic manner has been against? Naive? Think about it, perhaps my problem is that I have spent some time listening to his show recently given all the attention he has gotten in the past two years. Rush is an entertainer. He calls Obama, "Imam Obama" and the left goes bizarro about claims that the Right thinks Obama is Muslim - and Rush laughs at the reaction - so it does it more. The people who get his show are laughing too.
1. Rush says things on the radio
2. Listeners believe it and contact their legislators
3. Media picks up on it and reports on it
4. Politicians are asked about it and must give soundbites
5. Opposing politicians must give opposing sound bites
6. Rinse and repeat