Originally Posted by dogzilla
I don't have a problem with paying my fair share for taxes. However, my fair share does not include taxes for somebody else who isn't paying any taxes. My fair share also does not include paying taxes so that the government can play Robin Hood and give stuff to people who the government thinks don't have enough stuff.
Oh I agree, would could save a a fortune on what we do pay if we didn't have inept govt officials running bloated out of control social programs (amongst many other things..military anyone?)...I don't even mind the Robin Hood mentality but for god sakes if we are going to do it can we not find the most ass backwards, inefficient way possible to get it done?
Anyway the problem is everyone wants a tax cut and when you do that you only shift the burden somewhere else, they in turn demand a tax cut and suddenly there is nobody left to pay for anything. Instead of constantly shifting the burden from rich to poor to middle class we need to find a way to get everybody paying a fair percentage, but none of that really matters if the government doesn't care to find a way spend our money in the most efficient ways possible.
Then again to ask for efficiency and a fairly balanced tax system might mean that everybody has more responsibility and wont get everything they want when they ask for it...so yeah...that candidate or any party supporting the idea probably isn't getting elected any time soon.