Thats why it always seemed like a joke to me too. Partisan politics to me is no different then religious fundies sitting in church and patting each other on the back for being more righteous then everyone else. They see nothing else but their communities view of the world and will argue that their way is the only one right and true path to salvation...everyone else is just 100% wrong, always will be and there is simply no room for any other interpretation. They are the enemy.
Meanwhile Pastor Rangel is stealing money from the collection plates and bake sales to pay for prostitutes, cars and vacation homes. And what does the brain washed congregation do? They flock to him, apologize for him and pretend that he's still an okay fellow, it was a mistake, because he was their leader and to admit flaws might mean they are wrong about something.
We need more parties and options, badly. REALLY, REALLY badly.
“My god I must have missed it...its hell down here!”