I by no means am an expert on economics and you will probably all be dumber for having read this post...no seriously you may just want to skip it all together...
I'm not a fan of personal anecdotes to provide evidence but I'll indulge a little bit here because it might make a point for discussion. I know a fair number of wealthy people around here and one thing I've noticed about each and every one of them is they feel if they can't get the maximum benefit from the money they invest into our economy they simply are just going to find other ways to use it (They's taxin mah profits to high!!! I can't afford to hire people and I'm cutting positions left and right because my profits are razor thin kind of stuff). I have no clue what the economical advantage is to the following but it seems they'd rather just sit on the money and collect interest or send it overseas or something where they can (apparently) get more bang for the buck. I don't know how widespread this mentality is but if every wealthy bastard in the US is yanking money out of the economy to protest or avoid high taxes that doesn't seem very beneficial either.
Now I don't necessarily subscribe to the above and its a very broad overview of some of the discussions I've had lately but there you go. So did the Bush tax cuts work? I have no idea, some seem to think so and others don't as best I can gather about taxes it just depends on what your personal political outlook is when it comes to what works and what doesn't.
In my opinion as long as what I'm paying is fair and not crippling my bank account then I'm happy to pay it.
“My god I must have missed it...its hell down here!”