No, I don't usually give or get the harassment, but with my keen intuition (and a knack for the coincidental) I can more likely than not discern when someone(s) are
hissing about my character, or how they perceive I function.
My paranoia, self-depreciation and "bad-luck timing" also may have played a part in this, but still...
I don't know. Who does? What's the meaning of life? It's not a relevant "theme" of mine, but honetsly and to best of my abilities, yeah, I do try to tackle yet another one of life's pertinent questions with each passing day I decide to contribute here (or there) and just wish to converse with another soul about.
Is it so wrong that my life has always been in such chaos, that I now seek to compartmentalize nearly anything and everything into terms of relevance and fancies? I'm going into existentalism again, for which I apologize. gosh, now I've lost my point - and my reason for coming back again. What did i want to share here in order to brighten your day?
That's one of my only (and foremost) goals in everything (and all that I've come to gather) that I do when at the TFP: if my opinion should matter here, I shall add it; if my life experiences can aid in a facet of another's life, I shall try my best to best represent it; if I come across something of note and interest, I devote a meticulous sort of time and manner in order to best fully portray it to my audience here: you all.
Point, point... where is that elusive point?
Nick-o: I'm fine. I'm always fine. Sometimes I'm happy, sporadically I'm sad, I'm only mad when I want to be, and lately, I'm just getting tired of having to climb uphill higher and higher to just get one singular 'hello', and maybe, I'm merely a tad envious that I can't seem to ever get
any one of my contributions to get the smallest kudos, or questions, or conversations. I'm not going out of my way to post all that I do in order to merely talk to myself; just for reference's point: I'm not all that interesting, and I usually don't get far in a conversation without a starting point.
So, with all that I do and try so hard to achieve, I'm finding dozens upon hundreds of small little taling points to meet nearly one TFP members' interests, yet here I usually stand: alone, and tumbling further down.
You know guys: those 'Alice in Wonderland' references I once stated came to me in at least one iteration daily; they've slowed down some, but they've become so much far profound. I've probably left this thought open-ended and unfinished, and that's really unlike me, but I'm sure you're tired of seeing the words jumble together just as much as I do, and those reading glasses you picked up are more than likely pinching your nose something awful.
I've kept a
bazillion of my queued ideas on hold for the longest while now, so little by little, I'm going to unlock the dams, and just
let it flow, for better or worse.