There's no need to take offense. I'm not twisting your words.
Your post reads like a Glenn Beck segment: "I'm not sayin', I just sayin'...the tea party candidates want END SS and all government infrastructure programs..." It's creating fear based on incomplete sentences - connecting dots that aren't supposed to be connected. Re-read it from the perspective of someone else, rather than with all of the other thoughts you have that you didn't type due to time constraints. I think you will find it jumps to conclusions which aren't exactly true.
While it might be true that some candidates want to end social entitlement programs, it's not a plug-pull. I have never heard any candidate say they would close S.S. next week. In every case, it is a phase out, where people around the current age of 45 would receive no SS benefits. That age is significant because people of that age would easily be able to invest the SS offset and come out better than the SS benefit (which they have invested their entire career!). I might be wrong on that age, it's around there.
Gives a man a halo, does mead.
"Here lies The_Jazz: Killed by an ambitious, sparkly, pink butterfly."