Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
I don't recall anyone other than protesters and political bloggers and maybe MoveOn.org calling Bush a Nazi. I found this link: The Gallery of 'Bush = Hitler' Allusions
Other than that, which Democrats and liberal news media called Bush a Nazi? I tended to filter out such things while he was in office.
So which faction do you think these people consider themselves part of? Liberals? Democrats? I'm quite willing to bet that the majority, if not all were neither conservatives or Republicans.
You're using the Canadian healthcare plan as an example of a socialist program
You see, we're old hands at universal health care (we love you, Tommy). But when you guys started tossing around this plan for insurance schemes or whatever it ended up being, we were all like, "Um, what?" It's universal health care. You're doing it wrong. Where's the single-payer? Where's the public option?
If any of you guys are afraid of the socialist agenda, fear not: no one currently in office knows how socialism works.
Obama went on public record stating he favored both of these options
Weighing in on issue in Cincinnati, Obama said, "I continue to believe that a public option within the basket of insurance choices would help improve quality and bring down costs."
Reality: Obama Has Consistently Said That If We Were Starting From Scratch, He Would Support A Single Payer System, But Now We Need To Build On The System We Have
Now if he didn't believe a single payer system was the right approach, then why would he say it was on his campaign website?
The only reason we don't have the public option or the single payer option was that Obama got beaten so badly for advocating either option, not because Obama isn't a socialist.