Originally Posted by Derwood
When you shift power from the Federal government to the State government, you end up with a State government that is just as corrupt as the Federal
I really doubt that there is150,000 miles of road in the US that are in such desperate need of rebuilding that the feds have to fund it over and above state highway maintenance budgets. That's an average of 3000 miles of road in each state that is in bad shape.
If the railroads want 4,000 miles of railroad, let them fund it. The government has spent quite a bit of money tearing up old railroads and turning them into rail trails so people can 'hike' and 'bike'. Now Obama wants to spend taxpayer money to build new ones. Neat way to waste taxpayer money.
Despite some pretty graphs from some website that asks questions about astrology and other silliness to determine political orientation, Obama is not 'right of center' except in some bizarro liberal universe. If anything, he lands solidly in the the liberal camp on issues like this, and even in the socialist camp on some issues.