I am married to an incredible woman, who loves me unconditionally, despite the fact that I haven't always made it easy for her. Having said that, however, there have been a few prospective relationships I regret screwing up. A very painful experience, of recent vintage, as referenced in a previous post, revealed to me how emotionally immature I've been, for far too long. Old enough to have it together, regarding relationships, a lot better than I did, I allowed these awesome women to put their feelings out there, only to get rebuffed, by a man who was, seemingly, afraid to open up, to anyone getting close to me. The sad thing is that I really and truly thought the world of these women, but, for some reason, a subconscious fear of making a move, and revealing a part of me, to them, squashed any hopes of a relationship, and I know that I ended up hurting them. I think about them often (too much, probably!), and, like many others, wish I could turn back the clock, and try again. I ended up marrying a great lady, but as the saying goes "Of all the words of mice and men, the saddest are what might have been"
I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.