In my experience:
Atheism as a personal "belief system" is the absence of a belief in a higher power as a creator and the absence of a belief in an after-life.
In my experience, every time I've been around a congregation of atheists, all they talk about is how dumb religious people are...which makes sense. If the Organization for Non-Stamp Collecting People got together for a meeting, what would they do at the meeting other than bash stamp collectors - as it's all that binds them?
I tend to think of a religion as collection of people who generate and live by a set of guidelines surrounding a common belief system in a higher power/after-life. I don't really see a set of guidelines or way of life in atheism (other than to bash religion). So, I don't really view it as a religion.
Gives a man a halo, does mead.
"Here lies The_Jazz: Killed by an ambitious, sparkly, pink butterfly."