Oh, if you wanted context to the photo, all you had to do was ask.
The Photo's original caption was
"Reopening of the South Fork Bridge after flood in November 1940. Photo (c) 1941".
I don't see anything wrong with the image, suggesting it might be fake, or as proof of time travel's existence, other than the guy who looks similar to Kramer has an odd fashion sense for someone of such a traditional and rural community. The emblem on his shirt is not too indicative, though it is something that is more mainstream today than it was even 50 years ago. Sunglasses as proof?
They've been around forever. (wow, Wiki-commons. Bang-up job with the photo on profile page.
) He's also holding a Kodak pocket camera,
which as you'll see here, has been in production since the early 20th century, though it rose to even greater promise and popularity in the mid-1930s, when KODACHROME was introduced. Some people think the guy is wearing a hoodie, but I don't see it, and why would that matter at all? Looks like some sort of woolen sweater to me, something in which I probably have something similar to in my closet, though it is by no means 'new'.
Thee's a lot of "sources" to the discussion about this photographic piece in different areas of the web, but most hold little sway. It's sensationalism, at best, with little bits of cues in the photograph used as evidence, but to what? Those "cues" are more indicative that those things have been in out society far longer than we have. The thing that intrigues me more, aside from the guy with horns, at least that's what they appear to be, but it's way in the backgroud, (too hard to tell) is the old guy on the lower-right who appears to have no eyes at all. It may be a trick of the senses, or his eyes are merely shut, but cool (to me) nonetheless.
Here's some more learning and reading for those interested.
virtualmuseum. / dagbladet. / head-fi.]