Originally Posted by Cimarron29414
Just for my own personal understanding, what is the difference between a "Christian Fundamentalist" and a "Christian"?
Outside of the fact that "Christian Fundamentalist" is media shorthand for people that liberals don't like and who go to church regularly, the key is the degree upon which a christian is an evangelist for the christian religion. Similar to a Muslim Fundamentalist, some believe there is a special calling to help convert the world to their religious views.
For me I am willing to live side by side with anyone with any views in peace and harmony as long as they leave my freedoms and property alone. I don't tolerate Christians, Muslims, big government, or anyone else trying to tell me how to live assuming I am not interfering with the freedoms of others. I am conservative and most conservatives I know feel the same way. The irony is with liberals and how they want to do their social engineering. They should mind their own business.