Originally Posted by Willravel
It's the difference between someone that believes in God as a part of a healthy, well-rounded life and someone that has his or her life taken over by their belief, often to the point of being actively militant.
I don't think that's a very good distinction. I think it puts more Christians into the fundamentalist group than you intended. There's plenty who consider their religion much more than just a 'part' of their life, who consider more of a focal point, yet come nowhere near being militant or (sometimes) even political. There's something kinda inauthentic, to me (as a lapsed non-believing Catholic), in treating a religion like Christianity as a hobby rather than a driving force. Some religions can work that way, but doing that with Christianity strikes me as cherry-picking. It's just that important. It's
supposed to take you over.
Hopefully not in that bad, militant way like with Koran burners or anti-smokers.