I'm sorry, but this has got to be one of the most asinine comparisons ever made. Childbirth is actually a natural, common occurrence. Happens to women all over the world every day. Those in developed societies usually choose to have the birth in medical facility, where there is medical support in the case of some sort of unusual situation. Emphasis on choose. I am unaware of laws that require women to deliver at a hospital.
If you choose (or even if it's the more realistic situation that you are coerced by societal pressures) to deliver at a hospital, then don't complain about what the hospital staff do. They aren't out to make your life miserable or to traumatise you. It's the freaking opposite. These are caring, dedicated professionals whose intentions are entirely to protect the mother's and newborn's health.
If you have a life-threatening medical situation and are taken to a hospital, they aren't going to be gentle. They are going to do what needs to be done to asses the situation and deal with it in order to: 1) save your life; 2) prevent/minimise negative outcomes, and; 3) reduce/minimise/eliminate your pain. Your dignity and modesty are a minor concern to them faced with more pressing issues. Now childbirth is indeed not life-threatening in the vast majority of cases, but when you're at a hospital, it's still a medical issue. It is, by the way, the area of nursing work where there is the lowest staff turnover because it is one of the few areas that is almost entirely a HAPPY occasion.
When my second son was born, there was a 15-yo girl job shadowing the delivery room nurse. At the time of delivery, my wife was asked if she minded if the young girl remained present for the actual delivery. My wife said no problem, she was basically on display for the whole world, wanted it over with, and that the young girl had been wonderfully attentive throughout the labour, so why not? I expected her to remain up near my wife's head where I was. Instead, she crouched behind the obstetrician (so help me she looked like a home-plate umpire leaning over a catcher at a baseball game!), who kept up a steady, calm explanation of the wonderful experience that she was observing... the start of a new life. What I thought might be a bit too intense for a young girl turned out to be an exciting experience for her, and she was thrilled to hold a 5-minute old baby in her arms and present him to his mother.
The women who feel they are experiencing "birth rape" are part of a new phenomenon in the world... people LOOKING for insult/injury where none exists or was certainly intended.
The secret to great marksmanship is deciding what the target was AFTER you've shot.