Originally Posted by Spiritinthesky
A study of more than 36,000 people from around the world concluded that musical tastes and personality type were closely related.
The research, which was carried out by Professor Adrian North of Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh in the UK suggested classical music fans were shy, while heavy metal fans were gentle and at ease with themselves.
Fans of Indie music had low self-esteem and were not hard working, fans of Rap music had high self-esteem and were outgoing. Country & Western fans were hardworking and outgoing, Reggae fans were creative but not hardworking, and fans of chart pop had high self-esteem, were not creative, but where hardworking and outgoing.
So which one are you?
I like classical, especially 20th Century orchestra and chamber music.

I think most opera is a crashing bore.

Heavy metal is OK, but gets numbing and tiresome after a while, but maybe thats the point. I'll take punk over metal. Rockabilly over punk. I find Indie to be boring and cliquey. I don't like rap --I like the poetry and rhythm, but hate the bludgeoning bass.

I like Western more than Country, and yes, there is a difference. I love reggae live, but rarely listen to reggae recordings. Chart pop proves that people will buy anything.
I also like jazz --especially big band jazz, swing, and New Orleans jazz out of the 1930s. I believe as an article of faith that Coltrane knows where he is going, but I've never been able to figure it out.

I like blues and gospel, choral music, bagpipes, and marching bands. I hate women folkies playing oversize dreadnought guitars.
I have high self-esteem, am creative and hardworking, but I am not particularly outgoing. I am kind, loyal, and disobedient. I like dogs, but like cats more. I like Scotch and butterscotch, dislike bourbon and applesauce. I don't think any of that has anything to do with my tastes in music.