What do you think? Can you wrap your mind around something being created from nothing?
Sure, but it seems like there probably has to be a little more to it then that. I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case to find out that "something" was going on before hand. We just haven't gotten deep enough to know yet.
Do you think the bulk of Hawking's work will mark science's final rejection of God?
Absolutely not. I mean can't you hear the argument already? "Well what created something from nothing? God of course!" Religion and a belief in God is so deeply rooted in blind faith that I doubt much of anything could really sway the true believers at this point. On second though you might see less and less of it with each new generation.
Do you think science and religion will continue to coexist?
Yes...well I suppose no differently then they do now.
Do you think they should?
Should they continue to coexist? Meh I guess so, if it gets people through the day and they aren't pushing it on me I couldn't care less if they want to try.
Do you think they can, adequately?
Probably not but some seem to be giving a it a pretty serious try (creation museum anyone?). At the end of the day people will justify their faith in light of changing scientific opinion (God works in mysterious ways right?) and we'll go from there, for some it will work for others it won't.
How is one to resolve this question of creation?
See answer to question #2.
I was raised in a VERY conservative christian family and often have discussions with my parents about similar issues of science and faith. The conversations usually end up with me getting pissed off when the Bible makes its first appearance and an obscure verse that could mean pretty much anything is used to justify a certain belief...in the end well
"We just don't really know God's ultimate plan Wes, we just have to believe, pray and he'll show us the way."
What do you do with that?
“My god I must have missed it...its hell down here!”