I work as a manager for a small childcare operation that employs college students. I ask employees to provide me with their availability for the quarter, and plug that into an Outlook calendar. I plug all of the events we provide care for in another Outlook calendar. I then look at the two together and schedule my workers based on who's available. My most senior employees get more choice over their shifts/hours than my more recent hires, i.e. they can request a shift that they like working.
Using the Outlook Calendar Printing Assistant, I then print the Outlook calendar with the schedule to OneNote, which allows me to publish it as a PDF, which I then distribute to my workers via email. The Calendar Printing Assistant will give you a lot of different weekly options for printing if you need to do it on a weekly basis instead of on a monthly basis like I do.
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau