Originally Posted by Wes Mantooth
Beck's a pitch man who makes money off peoples outrage, the more visible he is the more books he can sell and the more ratings he gets for his show. Really most of what he does is straight out of an entertainment business 101 text book, build an audience and then fuck it for all its worth and what better audience could you find then people looking rally around a voice "that says what needs bein' said"?
He reminds me a bit of the Baptist Pastors that ran around the country holding revivals back in the day. Build a fire and brimstone persona, pound your fist on a bible and scream about America going to hell in a hand basket and how God and good old fashioned church can fix it. BOOM suddenly you're filling stadiums, getting on tv or the radio and making truckloads of money at the expense of people who eat that stuff up.
I don't think Beck really has any other agenda then to make as much money as he possibly can while he's still relevant, weather he actually believes what he says is pretty much irrelevant.
I think this is the true, I don't think he'll ever offer up any ideas or solutions to any problems, that would lead to specifics which would get messy and ultimately turn some people away. he's all about gaining the maximum pitchfork and torch waving masses to hand over to the repugs.
Glenn Beck "the man" and Glenn Beck "the commentator" could be completely different people. However, if you were to weigh who Beck "the commentator" is and what he does, Beck "the man" wouldn't quite register on the radar.
In the end, there would be no Beck "the man."
yeah, until they catch him in a hotel room with his face white with coke and a Filipino ladyboy plugging his emergency exit.
I wish Bill Buckly were still around, I hate this fake lowbrow country boy crap.