I grew up in a white -with a few Natives- part of the country, so mostly dated white men/boys. I did date (when I was in college) an ethnically Korean boy from Oklahoma, but he had been adopted as an infant by a white couple and seemed to have absolutely no interest in the fact that he was Korean. He rode horses, loved bowling and country music, and even spoke with a little bit of a drawl.
As an adult I've dated whites (mostly), blacks, a Japanese, and a mixed race Brazilian. They were all interesting, intelligent, and fun to be with.
Like Snowy and Magpie_1, I would never exclude a man from a dating relationship based solely on race.
I do have a friend however, an Asian woman, who only will date blacks. We kid her about the lack of "diversity" in her relationships.
As far as basic attraction, I find white and black men attractive, and white and Asian women. With rare exceptions black women, Asian men, and Natives of either gender are just not attractive to me. I don't know why that is.
My current boyfriend is Nordic (like me) but only a fluke brought us together. I feel very comfortable with him, and wonder if there is somehow some undercurrent of cultural commonality that is beneath my threshold of perception.