Well the thing about taxes are they need to be competitive on a state to state basis or they just become more of a burden anything else. When State A has taxes that are light years lower then State B people are going to move to State A. Its too easy to just move somewhere else and pay lower taxes then it is to support higher ones. I might even go so far as to say a lot of our states and cities are dying because they aren't keeping them competitive. But anyway I'm so ignorant of the economy and money I probably have no idea what I'm talking about.
Anyway I agree with you to an extent BG. The problem comes when it seems like people don't want to make any kind of distinction between what was good about the old days and what was bad. Just changing for the sake of keeping up with our global neighbors or just to be modern isn't a good thing either. The US has always been a little different from the rest of the world and I'm glad there are people who are helping keep the balance between whats worked for us and what needs to change. In a perfect world the arguments will keep coming and we'll keep working on finding a nice balance that's best for us.
I may hate some of these people with a passion but they do help keep us from going too far in one direction with out stopping to ask if its the right move.
“My god I must have missed it...its hell down here!”