I'm a disabled war veteran struggling with PTSD. I have severe scratching since my time in service (1990). When I feel stressed or experience a "stressor" or reminder of something terrible I experienced... in the mildest forms of a "panic attack" or "anxiety attack" I find my private areas SEVERELY ITCH. I have gone through many different forms of therapy to resolve this "psychological" itch (rolfing, reflexology, hypnotherapy, accupressure, accupunture, conscious breathing techniques, private and group therapy)... the hypnotherapy has helped me to gain control of the "itch" when I'm awake... but nothing has helped to keep me from scratching at night during terror nightmares. I will wake up with bloody hands. I have tried taping socks to my hands, wearing mittens, wearing gloves... ALL of which make me wake up violently where I have nightmares of being restrained. Doctors have prescribed sleeping medications that either don't work, or drug me out to the point where I wake up with hang-overs. I've tried using other medications that are "beta-blockers" to lower my heart rate to try to diffuse the panic attacks before they happen... but because I struggle from "hypervigillance" it makes me feel like I'm not in control and freaks me out to where I actually have panic attacks as a result of the medication. Now that the scratching has gone on for so many years... it's created scar tissue... and I now suffer from what is known as "Lichen Simplex Chronicus" ...which is a condition of the skin that has been scarred to the point where there is nerve damage and an actual "physical" itch... that I have in conjunction to the "psychological" itch. Now even though I can control the psychological itch, consciously (when I'm awake) I still "itch" physically. Because the scratching is in my "groin" region... it's EXTREMELY painful. I've read that this scratching is a kind of "unconscious" self-destruction without having suicidal intent... a way to redirect pain from emotions or experiences to a physical body part because of the extremely painful emotions, thoughts, or experiences. This makes sense to me. I've used cognitive behavioral therapy as well... and because I've been in group (which I don't really enjoy) and I've taken so many different steps to resolve these issues... I feel I have a strong desire to resolve these issues... but they aren't being resolved. This has been going on now for over 20 years... it's depressing, extremely painful, embarrassing, humiliating, and very very frustrating. I've learned how to keep myself from spiraling into depression after I have a terrible scratching incident... but I can't seem to stop the scratching. I've also attempted using a topical anesthetic which just numbs my scrotum and doesn't make the itch go away in my head when I'm sleeping. Often times I will be aware of the itch consciously where I feel I have worms eating through the skin and wriggling through my scrotum... and will experience dreams of it where I'm struggling to dig them out... only to wake up again with bloody hands.
I have great respect for your friends situation.
Remembering to breathe and try to remain calm through it all has helped greatly. Remember your breathing is like a carburetor on a car... fuel isn't enough... you can't think clearly without oxygen in your blood. Slow deep breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth.
Trying to think happy thoughts has been helpful. Trying to stay positive.
Remember that THIS is a result of what happened to you... it isn't YOU.
People who offer simple fixes saying "cognitive behavioral therapy with a desire to get well will make you better" ...need to go put themselves on the firing line. Get shot at for a while... take a wound or two... and get back to me after 20 years and let me know how you're doing.
I've learned that it's very unlikely that this will EVER go away... but finding a point of happiness while struggling with the disabilities is the key. Find a way if you can to enjoy your life and treat your wounds as you can and need to. Keep them clean. Develop hobbies and try to distract yourself with fun things.
If anyone has any good ideas... please, let me know.