I'm no Atlas, but I'll accept your challenge, sir. Now... lemme dig up a willing female candidate.
The first step is the conversation. The second step is the test activity. The third step is documentation.
I'll like the test activity part. Word on the street is that TFP likes the documentation part.
/lurid non-Plan9-esque conversation
Originally Posted by ring
You melt at the sight of cute kittens & give sensible gun totin' advice, too.
You're totally ruining my dumb-yet-tries-to-be-tough-yet-scrawny persona, Ring.
And it's been made clear several times don't know jack about cats or firearms.
It's easy to see the guys that actually know about guns on the board keep it to themselves.
They're quiet professionals; I'm just an outspoken moron that edits his posts a dozen times.