I don't know, I've only been here since last winter but it does seem like even in that short amount of time the number of posters and threads has dwindled considerably. I guess there is only so many times we can discuss why somebodies relationship fell apart or how come that experiment with anal sex went wrong...especially when each poster has probably written the same thing nearly word for word every time a new thread pops up. In turn it seems like the action here seems to have switched to a balance between more topical subjects (new conversations) and just hanging out with friends made here over the years. Its not a bad thing, but it sounds like this place has been around for a long time and probably just going through the normal evolution of a community. Old married couple syndrome.
Anyway the Internet is just changing, like Craven wrote above people are spending their online time at places like facebook. Message boards just don't seem to have the same attraction they did even a few years ago.
“My god I must have missed it...its hell down here!”